Italic products are shipped from both US and international locations. With that said, you may receive multiple packages for one order. The estimated shipping window is stated on the product page.
The estimated delivery date will be based on a few different factors, including the purchase date (when an order was placed), warehouse location (US or international), destination (the customer address), and shipping method (e.g. UPS Ground, FedEx 2-Day Air). Other factors - such as federal holidays and inclement weather – may also impact the transit time of your order.
We currently ship to all 50 states within the United States, although we do not offer expedited shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and APO/AFPO. Some products are also not available for shipping to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and APO/AFPO. Always check the individual product page for details.
We do not ship to Canada or any other international locations, but we’re working hard to bring Italic to those outside the US as soon as possible.